Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Play Along!

It gets tough out there on the road...snow, screaming cat, truckers trying to run you off the road, Yankees fans...so Jay and I have been doing a lot of talking. We've discovered we don't know everything..weird. Have fun answering these brain busters..we sure did!
1) Who sings "Freeze Frame?"
2) What does Wi Fi stand for?
3) Who was the main actor in Short Circuit 1?
4) Who was the main actor in Gun Ho?
5) What does the ITT in ITT Technical Institute stand for?
6) What's the name of that movie with Dan Aykroyd, Chevy Chase and Demi Moore where Aykroyd is the judge with no nose AND that fat baby in the junk yard who runs the bone crusher roller coaster?

have fun! LOL! and make sure to read the latest travel update below!!


  1. 1. J. Geils Band
    2. Wireless ??
    3. Steve Gutenberg
    4. Michael Keaton
    5. International ???
    6. Nothing But Trouble

    How'd I do? I didn't cheat!!

  2. #2 Wireless Fidelity
    #5 International Telephone and Telegraph

    Got the rest for ya Erin!!
