Saturday, April 30, 2011

Juneau and Ketchikan

I went to Juneau and Ketchikan for 2 days of work.  The weather was great (typicaly rains 8 days a week).  Also got a chance to sample some new beers at the Alaskan Brewery.  Enjoy the pics.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Yard Work

We were motivated and productive.  The entire property was littered with trash and dog shit.  There was a home made TV antenna on a wood pole that was 40 feet high.  There were 55 gallon drums, blue tarps, and pieces of chain link fence.  There actually used to be another house located in our front yard that we suspect was exploded since we found pieces of it everywhere.  There was plenty of Mud, Ice and Snow.  We spent the entire day picking up this property and now it shines as the nicest place in the entire neighborhood.

The Butte

 After our Tree Tapping Class we headed down to the Matanuska River to explore a little while.

We crossed the river and were on our way to the town of Butte. 
 Pulling off to the side of the road we watched the Reindeer Farm. There were a bunch of new born reindeer running around.
 Then we noticed the Butte
 Sure!  Lets go for a hike.
 Looking toward the Chugach Range and the Knik Glacier.

 Top of the Butte.  Sure was steep and dusty

 Homemade Pineapple and Jalapeno Pizza  to close out a great day.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Birch Tree Tapping

With a beautiful Saturday to enjoy we headed over to the University of Alaska Experimental Farm.  Amanda had signed us up for a "How to Tap a Birch Tree and Make Your Own Syrup" class.  We had a great time learning and being outside in the nice weather.  

 For the last 2 months we have been called "The Liberals from the East Coast".  Well we have been doing a good job of finding more Liberals.  The folks taking the class were a little more Hippy than we are used too.

 Proof.  Look at all those Subarus.  One of them is ours.

Once we got home we set up our taps on the trees around the house.

Alaska Motorcycle show April 9th

 Amanda modeling a bike for a commercial for next years bike show

 Ice racing bike.  check out how the studded tires are more concentrated on the left side of the tires.  this bike races on frozen lakes taking only left turns.

This bike has ridden around the world.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Holy April Batman!

wow I can't believe we're a full week into April and haven't put up a blog yet. Sorry! Well it's been a pretty neat April thus far. I had a great April Fools Day starting with goofing most of you folks on Facebook then finishing the day with a major prank at work holler! Jay and I are finally making 2 full paychecks so our blood pressure is starting to settle a little when it comes to the bills. Today we hung out with some people from work (see we're mingling!!) and hit up the super neat Midnight Sun Brewery. We catch a lot of crap for being "liberal tree huggers from Boston" but this brewery, which was like hidden down an industrial park like a secret locale, was where all the liberal hippie folk from Anchorage go to hide and drink really good beer. We felt accepted especially with Jay wearing his Red Sox jersey and us both having our pants rolled up like capris. Oh and thanks Obama and The Red Sox, you're making it reeeeaaaallll easy for us to get along with people right now, yikes. The sun is stayin up later and later, which is so cool oh and we ALMOST had a bite on the Sidekick but he low balled his offer to like a 3rd of what we asked so F- that. Which leads me to the delightful experience of getting my Alaska license. I've been trying to get this thing for over a month now, but the grief started when I realized I misplaced my social security card. So not only did I have anger with the DMV I was going back and forth with Social Security to get a replacement license. Anywho got the SS card and went yesterday to get my license and register the HOG. Well even after reading the damn general knowledge test study guide, TWICE, I totally failed the test; passed the motorcycle test though LOL. Jay had  some super advice about taking the test (thanks honey for giving me the advice AFTER I took the test) so I used it when I went back again today. Passed with flying colors and got the license. The DMV is run by R-Tards even up here though. The first license print out didn't have my CDL or motorcycle endorsements so we had to do it again. I was like, sweet I'm outta here. Well later this evening I was admiring my new license when I noticed the worst of my life's regular struggles was staring me right in the face...they spelled my last name MENDOZA. Sigh. Now I have to go back AGAIN on Monday to print it up AGAIN. Alright this is a way long enough blog. Had to get that stuff out to our endearing fans. Miss you guys!!

(I did have a pic of my license here but after enough people told me my identity would be stolen I took it down...thanks for looking out!)

 Mendoza...why I oughtta....dude I am so pale holy crap...oh and I was rounding up on the weight in case they wanted to know what I weighed with all my riding gear and my backpack on with a 20 pound dumbell in it...rrriiiiiiiight

Oh and this is me, drunk, with the Franzia bag on my head. That stuff was like 90% off on sale and lasted fricken 3 weeks. Awesome!!