Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Last day in the lower 48!

Well we hit some McNasty weather comin through Wyoming and Montana but we had some real adventure along the way! Woke up in ole Sundance, Wyoming to about 10 inches of fresh snow and that was the talk of the town. Everyone was so nice, stoppin to help plow us out or chat with us about our grand adventure across the US. Then, just like someone flipped a switch, the snow stopped and the sun came out so we did what we set out to do: like real Sundance kids (see what I did there?) we made the 30 mile trek up to Devil's Tower. It was awesome! There was the usual FUPA-bearing park ranger who tricked us into paying a park fee after we passed a sign at the entrance that said "Free Admission Today!" but we were happy to pay it after all the neat animal life and geology we got to experience. Check out the pics!

The last pic is a bunch of antelope. They were herding in like groups of 100+, pretty cool. And yes, I've been wearing my carharts for about a week and a half now. So fresh and clean. So we trekked on into Montana:
where we thought we were home free to the college town of Bozeman when a major storm swept through. What should have been about an hour and a half took three. DAMNATION TRUCK DRIVERS SLOW DOWN!!! But we made it safe and sound to the dog-friendly Blue Sky Motel. Then we took the walk down to the Montana Ale Works for some awesome beer and major good food (thanks for the suggestions Des and Karl!)

So on we go to the Great White North...otherwise known as Canadia. There's still snow out there so we'll take our time as usual. And I just want to say thanks everyone for sticking with us! We love the comments, it makes us feel like you're all right there with us! Miss you all!!


  1. well geeeeeee dont let it take so long to post next time!!!!! pictures are beautiful!!!! did you see any moose jay??? be safe love both!!!!♥

  2. Great photos!! did you happen to get the fish tacos?!

  3. yup. Jay got the Fish Tacos and Amanda got the J-bar-L burger. couple trout slayers and it was a great night.

  4. Wow! Great pics and postings you guys.... Looks like the trip is going to be full with tons of memories foor years to come. Jay.... I miss you too! Every time I pick up my trailer for the next week. ya know why that is. Amanda....What can I say...... Sam Hyde is a great guy...but alas, he is not you. Miss you both ! ! ! !

  5. I love you guys! I look forward to keeping up with your trip every day with a new post to read. You know you can't just stop blogging once you make it to your destination, right? :)

  6. Hey Barb! I meant to post on this like days ago. We will def probably keep blogging. Maybe not daily though :-) right now I'm just worried that this blog will be inactivated after a few months. I need to figure out how to save it!!
