Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thanksgiving in Juneau

 After our time out of Alaska we just could not warm our bones.  So, Amanda bought herself an insulated snow skirt...and she loves it.
 We left Anchorage after work on Wednesday in a snowstorm.  Tory and Karl had a Thanksgiving Feast planned for Thursday.  They invited some of their friends (who's families live far away) and we had more food and laughs than can fit in one day.  We chilled out on Friday, took a tour of downtown Juneau, had some Russian dumplings at Pel'Meni, and finished the day with some bowling.
 Saturday Tory had booked a back country cabin for us.  It was 4.5 miles one way, and the sun was going down.
 We loaded up the dogs, kids and gear and hit the trail

 it got dark at mile 2
 We made it to the cabin after 4.5 hours of pushing on thru the snow.  the kids did great (the trick here was to reward them with candy every 1/4 mile).  We were all tired and just wanted to warm up and chill out.
 Tory had prepared a wonderful dish to warm our bellies
Ryan, you just snowshoed 4.5 miles, half of which was in the dark and you still have left over energy?

 Phinn was wasted.  Little did he know he had to hike out and get on a plane the next day.

 Yes, we did have some spirits to warm our spirits
 We did have a showing of the Northern Lights, but once the sun rose we had a great looking day ahead of us.

 we kept our hope high knowing we'd be going for waffles once we got back to town.  this is the view from the waffle place
 Brothers.  when did that guy get so tall?
Ryan, Amanda and Destiny/

   Thanks again for hosting and having a great time all the time.  love you guys.

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