Sunday, July 31, 2011

Let's Paddle!

Jay and I finally got some time to take our Maiden Voyage on the Colorado Canoe. It was rainy but at this point we are one with the rain so we just went with it. I ask "Jay so how long is this journey" and he says " I think it's about 6 miles....." 20 miles and 6 hours later we're sore as hell but feeling wicked accomplished. Wheelers, we would've made you proud! There were tons of fish swimming around out there (a couple almost jumped right in our boat!) so I did a little fishing while Jay paddled and I finally got my first big bite in Alaska! A 6-inch long trout! Wooo doggies! LOL! Our camera was dead by then but I wanted to let you all know. Lots of pics so have fun scrolling on through!

 Launching at Shrock Road, Wasilla into the Little Susitna River

 No but seriously, I make this look good. And yes, my life jacket intentionally matches my Red Sox cap ;-)

 Wild Alasksa.

 Bald Eagle waiting for us to flip over so he can eat our eyeballs out I imagine.

 We took a breather after a super technical couple maneuvers around some fallen foliage. Although there was some white water for us, the most complicated thing we tried to avoid was bottoming out on this shallow river. We did it like once every mile so Jay and I are now on diets....

 Giant salmon hanging out right near our boat.

 You might almost think the sun was coming out. It tried it really did.

 Lunch break portage at 4:00pm. Ya I forgot to mention that since we thought it was going to be a quick float we didn't start until like 2pm. We wrapped up at 8:30 pm. Gonna sleep reeeeaaaalll good.

 Damnation Bald Eagle! Leave us alone!

 We chased these ducks down the river for like 8 miles, so cute!

 Moose skull. I bet that damnned Bald Eagle is to blame. Glad it was Bullwinkle and not us though.

Feel the Freedom!

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